The Greatest and Funniest Best Man Speech EVER You wont believe the effort these guys went to.

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    4 Groomsmen produced a masterpiece that sent the crowd wild with laughter. After forgetting the best man speech on the wedding day the 4 groomsmen left the wedding and made the journey to a pub 50 miles away. Along the way they met some obstacles including Father Ted like boxes on the road. Sincere thanks to Andre from Garryvoe Hotel, Davie Fenton and David ODriscoll and Donal Buckley for there crucial roles in the production. Congratulations to Liam and Caítriona also. All sounds used are royalty free, Video rights belong to Michael ODonovan, Sean ODonovan, Brian Fenton, Martin ORegan and John Sheehy equally.
Ostatnia aktualizacja : 2019-10-28 15:47:47